
Thursday, October 30, 2014

ALL Upcoming Superhero Movies [Update]

Look at how far the superhero/comic book film genre has come!

It's hard to believe this juggernaut (pun intended) film class almost went extinct! After the EPIC, PROFOUND failures of the Batman franchise and various cancelled projects in the Superman franchise, it was up to The Daywalker to resurrect the field. The release of the first installment of the Blade franchise finally brought the source material of a comic book down to a manageable perspective. 

This included a shift from low quality visual flares to more contemporary settings, and stylized writing. For a time, it was less about comic books and MUCH more about making a good film. In the case of Blade (1998), this was accomplished. The tone was edgy, the visuals were kinetic, and the main character was "bad to the bone." There were no cheesy foam suits or over done attempts to capture the comic book essence (due to the technological limitations). In a word, it was FRESH!

Thanks to the success of Blade, the genre soon found its way to the successful/acclaimed Dark Knight franchise. The other show of excellence and evolution in the genre is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, we still have MANY questions about the DC Cinematic Universe.
[via Comic Alliance]:
"ComicsAlliance’s own graphics maestro, Dylan Todd, put together a timeline that reveals what the next six years of superhero movies look like, with some dates and titles still to be announced. The graphic will be updated as new information is released."
Full size, HERE

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