
Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Flash, TV- First Look at Professor Zoom! (spoilers)


Cosplay is MUCH preferred to these horribly designed costumes!

These outfits for the new series The Flash are all gobbledygook! Did they learn nothing from the reactions to the Daredevil costume in Daredevil (2003)? 

On the other hand, the show had a better premiere than its counterpart, Arrow. This, however, could be due to the planned expansion of the Arrow into this new show. In fact, both are to have several crossover episodes through this season of television.

While neither Arrow nor The Flash are very entertaining in this new age of comic book based films, the two shows should feed off each other to create a stronger narrative than either show could attempt alone.

For some background, Professor Zoom is the nemesis to Flash. In the comic books, both have access to the speed force which grants them their speed and certain other abilities (healing, reaction, etc.). In the pilot for The Flash, there is a yellow whirl around a young Barry Allen's mother during the time of her demise. This memory comes to Barry in the same episode. 

Once again, these costumes are just goofy. If Spiderman can make the skintight look work (in live action) then there is NO excuse for these leather monstrosities. 

What do you think of the costumes or of these photos of Professor Zoom in general?

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