
Monday, May 26, 2014

X:Men: Days of Future Past Review (spoiler alert)


Coming into this weekend, X-Men: Days of Future Past was met with high expectation from a lot of viewers, and I must say it lived up to its hype. X-Men: DOFP is the 7th film in the Fox Cinematic Universe and by far the best one to date. The movie gave use great action and adventure as usual, but the story took it home. If this movie is not nominated for an Oscar, I will be furious. This movie took the complex time traveling story back and forth (which could confuse most people) and did so flawlessly. This movie also takes a bunch of characters and pretty much gives them all adequate (and appropriate) screen time. I mean would I have liked to see more Bishop? YES, but I am fine with the screen time they decided to give him, better than just shoe-horning him into the film like other movies have done to characters (The Amazing Spiderman 2).

It’s evident that the director, Bryan Singer, was determined to tell a great story over just making another movie from the X: Men factory. He managed to outdo his own work within the franchise (he also directed X2).

This film had so many good points and so many interesting characters, but to me the man who stole the show was Quicksilver (and yes he most likely is Magneto’s son). I had zero hope that he was going to be any good, but he slapped me in the face and made me a believer. Another good character in the movie, I would say, was Mystique. I, for one, thought Jennifer Lawrence was not right for the part after seeing her as Mystique in X-Men: First Class, but in this movie she found the zone when it comes to portraying the complex character. Although those two characters stood out, there were plenty more (Magneto and Wolverine, of course) who made this movie stand out.

I also believe that this movie did a great job in fixing of the continuity errors of the past X-Men films (including the garbage X-Men: The last Stand) by completely erasing them in a RETCON. This retcon brought back Jean Grey and Scott Summers (Cyclops), BUT there are some issues that were not explained, such as why wolverine had metal claws in the future after they got destroyed in The Wolverine, how did Professor X come back, and how the hell Kitty Pryde sends people back in time when her powers are going through walls (those aren’t the same things).

One of the main things that got people talking was the end credit scene of X-Men: DOFP (probably the best one I have ever seen). If you stuck around to view it, you would have seen the ancient Egyptian times with some weird alien looking guy building the pyramids while a horde of followers worshiped him and chanted his name. Well, that guy’s name is En Sabah Nur a.k.a. APOCALYPSE and he is set to be the main villain of the next X-Men movie, titled X-Men: Apocalypse. If you don’t know already, Apocalypse is the first and strongest mutant that ever lived. Seeing him the post credit scene almost made me pee a little (even though everyone else around me didn’t know what was going on).

All and all, I really can’t find any negatives to the movie (maybe wolverine had to have bone claws the whole movie). This movie is great and all-around a good but not perfect movie, a MUST SEE in theaters. If you were unable to catch it you still have plenty of time to go to your nearest theater and enjoy this epic movie.

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