
Friday, August 1, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy- Review (spoilers)


Marvel's summer blockbuster Guardians of the Galaxy, a team that most of you might not have heard of.

Coming into this weekend, Guardians of the Galaxy was probably one of the most anticipated movies of the summer, let alone the year, and, I must say, it did its job of providing a fun and entertaining film. I would not put this movie on the level of other comic book movies such as Captain America: The Winter Soldier or X-Men: DOFP, but this film shows that comic book movies are getting better and better. This film had a few good fight scenes, and some good space craft fights throughout, and all really gave the movie more of a space/sci-fi feel, rather than a "mere" superhero movie.

GOTG had its like-able characters and also its not so like-able. The main character that stole the show (surprisingly) was Rocket. Many people feared Rocket would come off as being "cheesy" and stupid (after all, he is a talking raccoon), but he was probably the most exciting hero. Even though the movie centers on Star-Lord, as he tries to put together the team and save the galaxy, Rocket was the one who kept the people entertained and kept the laughs going.

However, for every positive, there is a negative in this case. Drax, the Destroyer was pretty flat character. He was obviously the brawn of the team and pretty much anything he said was just some stupid joke, and it didn't really help that the actor, Dave "The Animal" Batista, isn't a very experienced talent. As for the villain, Ronan was the "Dark Elf" of this film (a useless character, who is defeated pretty easily). He starts off as a guy who wants Thanos (yes he is in the movie) to kill the planet Zandar, but after Ronan realizes he can destroy Zandar with the infinity stone, he decides to do it himself. With all that power you would think it should take and army to stop him, but the Guardians easily get the stone away from him and kill him with it [Yawn]. Where are the days of the big ending fight? Maybe we will get it whenever Thanos comes again...

So, overall the movie is a must see in theaters so you can get the full experience. GOTG will keep you entertained, make you laugh, maybe cry and all that good stuff, plus it should hold you over until Avengers: Age of Ultron comes out next year. As for the post credit scene, I'd skip it.  The scene doesn't tell anything about the future of the MCU, but it's more of a funny ending (unless you want to see Howard the Duck then stay for sure).

Have you seen GOTG? What did you think?

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