
Saturday, June 14, 2014

22 Jump Street-Review (spoiler alert)


Since 21 Jump Street broke records for highest grossing 'R-rated' comedy, it's a no-brainier that the movie got a sequel. Now the studio is faced with a daunting task (near impossible), making a movie that is better than the first one. This weekend, 22 Jump Street opened and, I must say, I found it to be just as good as the first one (not better or worse).

This movie took responsibility in trying to come up with something new, instead of using the "Hangover Approach" and send out the same movie twice. Although it had elements of the first one, it did a good job of being its own movie. It found a way to keep it fresh, while still joking throughout the movie about it being a sequel and how it will just be the same as last time.

In 22 Jump Street, they seemed to focus more on the "partnership" between Tatum and Hill  almost as if it was a messed up marriage at times. This is ALWAYS important, because no audience wants an R.I.P.D. rip-off (or R.I.P.D.). The Tatum-Hill chemistry throughout the movie was good, almost perfect for each other in theses rolls.

The sequel had some hits, some misses, BUT a ton of funny jokes. One of the best parts of the movie came midway through, between Ice Cube and Jonah Hill's characters. I won't give out too much and ruin the movie, but it has got to be the funniest part!
To rap it up, 22 Jump Street had a lot to live up to behind the success of the first one, but it certainly lived up to the hype. I think it was on par with the first one, but failed to take the step to be better than it. All-in-all, you won't be disappointed going to the theaters to see this movie, and you will leave having had a few good laughs. 

So, have you seen 22 Jump Street? What did you think of it? Do you plan on it?

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1 comment:

  1. Made me laugh a whole plenty of times. Liked the first more, but still, it’s a very good comedy sequel that you don’t get to see too often. Good review.
