
Friday, June 13, 2014

Image Comics Movies: Wishful Thinking


These are Image Comics characters that need a stand alone film...and WHY!

*DISCLAIMER*- All of these films MUST carry an 'R' rating for "extreme awesomeness and overwhelming excitement." 

1. Spawn
The first Spawn film (1997) was the introduction so the next one should go somewhere else, story wise. This film would tell of Spawn's battle with Armageddon, and all other conflicts involved. Spawn must fight God, Satan, the Disciples and Mother to save the souls of the human race from damnation. It would be action packed, not to mention the emotional journey that Al Simmons must undertake to combat his opposition. The gore and sensitive subject matter would send this straight to the 'hard R' category. Anything else would be a let down.

2. Savage Dragon
I'm dying to see a live action film of the Dragon. First off, HE'S A BEAST! This movie should have an introduction similar to that of the animated series (there should be NO MENTION of his true origins). This should be between Dragon and the villainous Viscous Circle who have a plot to take over Chicago. This film could easily fall into R.I.P.D. territory (hell), so the story should have Dragon fighting tons of Super Freaks in his too-tight police uniform and resist the campy tone. It would help if Dragon's love interest was reserved for the end of the film (like Man of Steel did with 'reporter, Clark Kent'). The first Savage Dragon should naturally lead to high octane sequels! They introduce She-Dragon, Overlord and EVENTUALLY his true origins. I say this because I'm on the fence about Kurr (he's an ass).

3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
This should be a silent, violent neo-noir film. The Ninja Turtles have been heavily bastardized to appeal to children, but think about. Are ninjas deadly? Are ninjas quiet? If you answered 'yes' to either of those questions, then there's no way this movie can 'invite families.' The closest incarnation to the comics has been the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. The tone was appropriate and the conflicts were visceral. In the most perfect world (not this one), the genius Akira Kurosawa would direct this piece. His use of weather and other natural elements would have this film sweeping the Oscars (as long as Toshiro Mifune plays all four turtles). No camp, no comedy, just every sense.

4. The Darkness
I know this is a Top Cow property, but bare with me, knit-pickers. On a very basic level this film would resemble Spawn, but the difference is existential elements in place of religious mythos. The Darkness itself requires that most of the film take place at night (which can blow up a film budget), because the powers don't work in sunlight. It would be tough, but this feature must use practical effects to accomplish the powers of The Darkness. Sounds like a pain, but the final result would yield a body horror feel. In fact, just give David Cronenberg $50 million USD and let him crank out The Darkness HIS WAY. 

5. The Maxx
By far the most neo-psychedelic title on the list, The Maxx just has to be made. The contrasting worlds of The Maxx's mind and the physical realm never make it clear which is real. This live action film should go less The Tick and more American Splendor with the loose story telling style. The incidental violence and (almost experimental) pacing would require this film to have a $5 million budget. I would love to direct it, with a focus on Julie's relationship with The Maxx as he questions everything.

Which Image Comics characters would you like to see get their shot at the big screen? Tweet us @StarshipNews below!

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