
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Edge of Tomorrow-Review (spoiler alert)


Let me start by saying that this movie had the worst marketing campaign EVER.

I will follow by saying that this movie was nothing short of a clinic on fast paced story telling. 

After about the first 5 minutes, the movie takes it to 100 in both riveting action and compelling story (at the same time). Tom Cruise play Major Cage, a mouthpiece for the American military who has never been trained in combat. He only joined the war effort when he lost his advertising firm. After being tricked by a foreign general, he wakes up on base and has only one day to get ready for war. Once he is killed like the "noob" he is, he takes a few of the Mimics with him. The blood of a special kind of mimic sends Cage's dying consciousness back to when he woke up on base. From this point, every time he died, he would reset at the base where he woke up. 

The evolution of Cage through the film was perfect. Every stage of his realization clearly flowed into next set of clues on how to stop the Mimics. He went from desperate survival to determined objective as he learned more details on the whereabouts of the Mimics weakness. 

It's never clear exactly how many times Cage goes back in time, but hints are given that it was a "crap-ton" because in the advanced stages of the plot, he knew EVERYTHING that would happen. No detail was unknown to him. This eased some the tension to keep the tone at a consistent level. 

Even when all hope seemed lost after Cage lost his reset power in a blood transfusion, he had enough information to take a chance on victory. I could feel his desperation because any death this time would be "for real." He and his friends fought to the death, but not before Cage released a grenade belt into the heart of the Mimics power. When the explosion ripped through, all Mimics were destroyed, BUT at the LAST second, more Mimic blood got on Cage and the day reset, but to a different setting. This time he arrives at London headquarters to news that Mimics have fallen. 

We then see all those who helped Cage were alive and well, including his love interest, the skilled warrior Rita (aka Full Metal Bitch).

The only negatives about this film have nothing to do with the film's content. The original title is All You Need is Kill, but this was changed to avoid promoting violence. Unfortunately, any fans of the source material (same name) were disappointed. 

I already mentioned the lackadaisical marketing strategy and how it made the movie look like an Oblivion reboot (that was the worst movie ever). On the other hand, I am glad I watched it and I encourage you all to do the same.  

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